The masterclass event at RELOD was an unreal expirence
- Разделы Новости детской международной театрально-лингвистической школы English City
The masterclass event at RELOD was an unreal expirence. It was a gathering of a full house of passionate teachers. ❤
We talked about our fantastic English City’s theatre and cinema camp program, different challenges and solutions in teaching English, shared games and ideas in the aspects of helping students advance their English journey. Here are some cool insight I got from sharing in the event:
– Effective teaching is to have the awareness of students are wired differently.
– Beyond having fun,learning through play & entertainment has an incredible advantage: it is a high fidelity, memorable and engaging experience, that encourage an relationship/immersion with the language. It more process orientated, putting the focus on communication and self-expression rather than levels.
– Biggest shortcut to sucess is to never giveup and trying different appoarch toward your path, we as teacher have the privilege to empower, encourage, provide different angles toward the journey of learning.
Very grateful to be able to share my insights and games with you all, keep inspiring the future! Thanks again for RELOD and English City for organizing this event 🌟 🌈

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