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- Разделы Новости детской международной театрально-лингвистической школы English City
Having the opportunity to shape the future generation of Russia is a fulfilling experience. We've been at the camp for almost 10 days now and we have already covered various topics. Our sessions blend debate and games. Every session is tailored to the age group and level of English.
Each child has a unique personality and they all bring in something different to the table. Thank God, I am blessed to spend time with the talented young people of English City and get to know them better.
Well, what can I say about session 1, 2018? We have a good sized group of children, so everyone has been busy. Lessons have been going well, and everyone seems to be interested. I've also been able to talk with quite a few of the children personally. Those who don't know English quite so well are quickly getting used to repeating and recognizing simple phrases. The older ones who are more fluent have told me they find the lessons informative and interesting. Everyone here is very cultured, and they seem to be getting along quite well. I believe it will continue to be a successful and enjoyable session.

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Летний детский языковый лагерь на море. Спектакль Питер Пэн 1-й смена, 1-го отряда
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